For the past two years BLENNZ Wellington has invited first-year music therapy students from Victoria University School of Music to our VRC to present a Music Therapy session to a group of younger BLENNZ learners.
The learners come from throughout the region and range in age from 4 -10 years and it is a very exciting morning for them all. The Music Therapists quickly identify the learner’s interests and level of confidence and then invite them to participate through song, dance and musical instruments. The sessions are play-based, child-led, enriching and fun.
RTVs have the opportunity to work alongside the learner and the music therapist or to observe their learner working with other adults and children.
These past sessions have been a fantastic opportunity for BLENNZ Wellington to reach out to Victoria University in a way that supports and encourages not only the BLENNZ learner, but also the Music Therapist who may be working with them in the future.

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