Te Whāriki is the Ministry of Education’s early childhood curriculum policy statement. All early childhood education services are required to deliver a curriculum that empowers young children to be confident and competent learners. The framework for this curriculum is set out in Te Whāriki.
Each service weaves a local curriculum (or whāriki) based on the principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes found in Te Whāriki. When deciding which areas to focus on, teachers and educators take into account the interests, strengths and needs of the children and the aspirations of parents, whānau and community.
There are 5 strands within Te Whāriki; Well-Being – Mana Atua, Belonging – Mana Whena, Contribution – Mana Tangata, Communication – Mana Reo and Exploration – Mana Aotūroa. Each strand embodies an area of learning and development that is woven into a daily programme of the early childhood setting and has its own associated goals for learning.
Through real experiences with people, places and objects in the environment, BLENNZ ākonga may:
- explore
- use sensory skills for active exploration
- integrate sensory information
- gain confidence in and control of their bodies
- be motivated to move in space
- interpret and make sense of the natural, social, physical and material worlds through active exploration
- be confident to choose, compare and experiment
- consolidate experiences through repetition
- persevere at activities and tasks.
For more information about Te Whāriki and other relevant information visit:
- Early Childhood Curriculum: Te Whāriki
- Curriculum Resources to support learning