Shared cooking sessions are perfect opportunities for learners to acquire a range of Curriculum and independent living skills. Here at the Nelson VRC we have been facilitating cooking experiences for learners who are transitioning to Intermediate Schools.
These experiences, co-hosted by the RTV and Blind Low Vision NZ specialist, provide learners with advance practice of the skills they will encounter in Food Tech classes.
During these highly motivating experiences, learners practise a range of Expanded Core Curriculum skills (personal care/hygiene, organizational skills, interpersonal skills, etiquette, independent living skills, decision making).

Ākonga were also able to practise Curriculum skills of math (budgeting, time, measurement, addition, subtraction, fractions) and literacy (listening, reading and writing step-by-step instructions).
Teachers report that learners have integrated these out-of-class experiences into their classroom-based literacy programmes. It is rewarding to witness that these fun-filled learning experiences have taught a host of new skills to support life-long learner independence.
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